Suited for:
Primary 1 to Primary 6 level
(Ages 7 to 12)
Heuristics - using diagrams, models, systematic lists, patterns etc
Topics will be tailored according to level
Some examples are: Length, Mass, Time, Geometry, Fractions, Ratios, Percentages
Each session will include hands-on activities to incite the senses of students to enhance learning retention

Suited for:
Primary 1 to Primary 3 level
(Ages 7 to 9)
Encapsulating Math notions through hands-on cooking and baking activities
Experience math in the different phases of cooking - meal planning, grocery shopping, adjusting recipes, measuring ingredients etc
Students will never see cooking in the same way again

Suited for:
Primary 1 to Primary 2 level
(Ages 7 to 8)
Who says the abacus was out of fashion? Enhance students' ability to do mental calculations quickly
Teach the use of the Abacus and mental arithmetic
Proven to improve students' attention span, memory, power of observation and reflexes
Reduce reliance on calculators